πŸ“¦Package Management

Package management is crucial for managing dependencies and sharing code in a modular and reusable way. In Flutter, package management is facilitated through the use of the pubspec.yaml file, where you can specify the dependencies for your project.

1. Adding Dependencies πŸ”—

To add a new package to your Flutter project, you need to specify it in the pubspec.yaml file under the dependencies section.

    sdk: flutter
  http: ^1.1.0

Here, we've added the http package to our project.

2. Updating Dependencies πŸ”„

To update the packages to their latest versions, you can use the following command:

flutter pub upgrade

3. Removing Dependencies πŸ—‘οΈ

To remove a package, simply delete its entry from the pubspec.yaml file and run:

flutter pub get

4. Creating a Package πŸ“¦

You can create your own package for sharing code. Use the following command to create a new package:

flutter create --template=package my_package

5. Publishing a Package πŸš€

To publish your package to pub.dev, follow the publishing guidelines and use the following command:

flutter pub publish

Assignments πŸ“

This way, you have a simple Flutter app demonstrating how to manage packages and use them in your project.

Last updated